Artificial Intelligence - From Development to Deployment

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Artificial Intelligence - From Development to Deployment


Monday, March 27th, 2023
Time: 04:00 pm - 05:00 pm

Artificial Intelligence - From Development to Deployment

Why you should attend this session?

Artificial intelligence has rapidly progressed from the experimental to the implementation phases, and it is steadily making its way into mainstream applications. Bringing any technology from the lab to the production line is never easy, but implementing AI can be especially difficult because it offers such a wide range of possible outcomes for each problem it is directed to solve. This means that organisations must proceed with caution while also moving quickly to avoid falling behind in an increasingly competitive landscape. Join us for another exciting session with our nasscom Product Conclave leaders to learn about the importance of "Artificial Intelligence - From Development to Deployment" while building #WorldClassFromIndia.

In 60 mins session you'll explore

  • Overview of AI, Machine Learning and Deep Learning
  • MATLAB for AI
  • Solving a real-world AI modeling problem:
    • Access and visualize data interactively
    • Clean and preprocess data
    • Extract features and create your AI model
    • Deployment on hardware and cloud
  • Summary and Q/A

This session is intended for

  • CTOs
  • Developers & Tech Enthusiasts
  • Students
  • Anyone interested in staying up to date on the latest technological trends
Sammit JainAI Application Engineer, Mathworks
Date and Time
Monday, March 27th, 2023
Time: 04:00 pm - 05:00 pm
Venue / Address



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