NASSCOM WWRT Design Thinking Workshop

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NASSCOM WWRT Design Thinking Workshop


Thursday, April 25th, 2019
Time: 06:30 pm - 09:00 pm

NASSCOM WWRT Design Thinking Workshop

We are delighted to say that the sessions in the program are only getting better and encouraging you to leverage the program to the fullest.

Did you know that you have to complete 25 hours on the W2RT program to attain a certificate. Here is your change to add 90 minutes of interactive learning to meet 25 hours.

Design thinking has become a way of life, and more so in the tech world. So how is it that you are able to adopt it for your day to day work execution, from a technology stand point.

Here is how you do it: The workshop attempts to explain this in a simple 3 way framework that helps understand the applicability of Design thinking for digital success with in your respective organization and roles.

This interesting workshop (90 minute session) focusses on applicability of the Design Thinking Framework for transformation is being conducted by EXL, the thought leaders in the space. Please find below the agenda for your reference.

Ashish KudaisyaVice President, Property & Casualty Insurance Lead, Digital EXLerator Framework
Date and Time
Thursday, April 25th, 2019
Time: 06:30 pm - 09:00 pm
Venue / Address



  • Registration followed by Networking Lunch

  • Driving Digital Transformation with Digital EXLerator Framework leveraging Design Thinking and Agile

  • Deep-dive into Digital EXLerator Framework Stages
    Digital Discovery
    Digital Prototyping
    Digital Execution

  • Tea Break

  • Role of a Practitioner, Operations, others

  • Key Best Practices

  • Case Example

  • Open House followed by Networking Hi Tea